Save the Date
October 29, 2020 and October 30th, 2020
“COVID-19 and the Real World” is our program emphasis. We have decided to divide the yearly informative virtual webinar/conference into two morning sessions. The first session (Thurs Oct. 29) shall be highlighting CIVID-19 impacts and influences on the Health Care Sector, while Transportation based topics is our second session (October 30). We are still arranging national and local session speakers which should be an awesome learning and outreach perspective. Other social network engagement efforts and opportunities will follow each day’s session. Our Annual Delaware APA Business meeting along with the Planning Law Session will be deferred and re-scheduled before the end of the year. Stay turned for further details as we are attempting to finalize the flyer and sign up details.
Please Check Out our JAM Trail sponsored program now on YouTube. This is was our program May 4th 2019.
Guidance for Incorporating Health into Kent County’s Comprehensive Plan – Final Report
Guidance for Incorporating Health into the City of Dover’s Comprehensive Plan – Final Report
“Promote Healthy Communities, Joint Call to Action”
click here to download pdf.
Proceedings from the Planners4Health Roundtable Summit – May 2017
**Has your organization established projects pertaining to Food Systems or Food Access, Active Recreation or Active Transportation? If so, click here (link to https://cloudup.com/cNX95dTnxMX) to tell us about them! Download the form and submit to Michelle Eichinger at Meichinger@live.com!
The Delaware Plan4Health initiative and the Delaware Coalition for Healthy Eating and Active Living seeks to change the approach in which comprehensive plans are updated to include considerations for health and equity. Using feedback from the community, the Coalition will create land use, design and policy guidelines for planners and public health professionals seeking to increase access to healthy food and build spaces that encourage physical activity.
Listen to David Edgell and Tim Gibbs talk about the DEplan4health initiative in a podcast created by the American Planning Association here.
The Delaware Journal of Public Health, December 2016, Volume 2, Issue 5 published two articles related to the Delaware Plan4Health initiative. The first article, “The A’s of Influencing Health Eating and Active Living,” was authored by Michelle Eichinger, MS, MPA. The second article, “When Planning Meets Health: Delaware’s Plan4Health Grant Fosters a Healthy Delaware,” was co-authored by Michelle Eichinger, Kristen Vales, David Edgell, Tim Gibbs, Bill Swiatek, Patti Miller, and Mary Ellen Gray.